Dress Code
All Student’s hair should be tied back and out of the face for all movement classes.

Dancers may want to wear lightweight clothing. Latin dance shoes may be worn. Women need to wear heel caps on their Latin heels. No outside shoes may be worn. Get ready to spice it up on the dance floor!
Hair should be up and out of the face. Dancers may wear dance, yoga, warm-up pants, athletic shorts or leggings and any appropriate shirt or top.
Dancers can dance barefoot, or they can wear dance sneakers or clean bottom sneakers that have not been outside.
Hair should be up and out of the face. Dancers should wear a fitted tank top or leotard and may wear dance, yoga, warm-up pants or leggings for the bottom. NO BAGGY T-SHIRTS OR SHORTS. Pants should come below the knee and the ankles should be visible. Dancers will dance barefoot.
Bring yourself and your child in something you can easily move in. We will be dancing, rolling and sliding and jumping on and off the floor. Dancers will dance barefoot.
Hair should be up and out of the face. Dancers should wear a fitted tank top or leotard and may wear dance, yoga, warm-up pants or leggings for the bottom. NO BAGGY T-SHIRTS OR SHORTS. Pants should come below the knee and the ankles should be visible.
Students can dance barefoot or wear flat jazz shoes.
Dance Play
Hair should be up and out of the face. Dancers may wear leotards, skirts, and/or footless tights, leggings or warmup pants. No slippers, zippers or buttons. Please have your child ready to move barefooted (NO FOOTED TIGHTS). Please keep accessories such as crowns, wands, wings, stuffed animals and ballet slippers at home.
Beginning Modern Technique, Int. Teen Modern Technique
Hair should be up and out of the face. Dancers should wear a fitted tank top or leotard and may wear dance, yoga, warm-up pants or leggings for the bottom. NO BAGGY T-SHIRTS OR SHORTS. Pants should come below the knee and the ankles should be visible. Dancers will dance barefoot.
Beginning Ballet, Beginning/Intermediate Ballet, Intermediate Ballet, Int. /Adv. Ballet
Dancers may wear leotards (any color), convertible tights (pink or white) and ballet shoes. Hair should be pulled back into a bun. Or Dancers may wear white t-shirts, black leggings or black shorts and ballet shoes.
Hip Hop Kids, Beg./Int. Hip Hop
Hair should be up and out of the face. Dancers should wear a fitted top or leotard and may wear dance, yoga, warm-up pants, athletic shorts or leggings. Pants should either be above the ankle or rolled above the ankle. Dancers will dance barefoot or can wear dance sneakers or clean bottom sneakers that have not been outside.
Pre-Ballet, Pre-Jazz, Creative Dance, Creative Dance & Hip Hop
Hair should be up and out of the face. Dancers may wear footless tights, leggings, leotards or fitted tops. Ballet shoes are optional. Socks can be worn with ballet shoes, so they can be removed easily for creative dance or jazz. Dancers will dance barefoot for the creative dance and jazz portion of class. *Ballet shoes must have leather soles instead of slippery dress-up slippers.
Intermediate Modern Tech, Int. Teen Modern, Intermediate/Advanced Modern Technique, Advanced Modern Technique
Hair should be up and out of the face. Dancers should wear a fitted tank top or leotard and may wear dance, yoga, warm-up pants or leggings for the bottom. NO BAGGY T-SHIRTS OR SHORTS. Pants should come below the knee and the ankles should be visible. Dancers will dance barefoot.
Intermediate Ballet, Intermediate/Advanced Ballet
Dancers may wear leotards (any color), convertible tights (pink or white) and ballet shoes. Long hair should be pulled back into a bun. Dancers may also wear white t-shirts, black leggings or black shorts and ballet shoes.
Early Bird Yoga & Gentle Flow Yoga
Students may wear a fitted top (tank top, yoga top, T-shirt) and either warm-up pants, yoga pants or modest length shorts. You will need a strap and either a blanket or towel. Students have the choice to bring their own mat or AT can provide one for you.