Summer Sparks Junior
Arts Together is thrilled to offer a series of fun and enriching summer camp programs for 6-to-8-year-olds at Exploris Middle School, only a three-minute drive from Arts Together’s flagship building. Campers who participate in our Summer Sparks camps will be able to take advantage of Exploris Middle School’s gorgeous facilities.
If your child stays for an AM and a PM camp, that is considered a FULL day and a Supervised lunch time is included. If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a tour, please email our Summer Camp Director, Lauren Youngman, at lauren@artstogether.org or 919-828-1713 ext. 103.
Week 1: June 16th - 20th (No camp June 19th)
Week 2: June 23rd - June 27th
Week 3: July 7th - July 11th
Week 4: July 14th - July 18th
Surf’s Up in this wild water world art camp! We’ll create some waves, make a sandcastle, decorate your own beachball and towel and even create a surfboard design…
Gardens Galore
Campers will enjoy a week of fun gardening activities. We'll create and take home a variety of gardens from miniature fairy gardens to portable vegetable and herb gardens…
Authors in the Making: A Lego Story
LEGOs are EVERYTHING AWESOME and in this fun camp they inspire our storytelling! Delve into the enormous collection of LEGOs as we use them to explore characters and settings…
Week 5: July 21st - July 25th
Toy Story
Campers will explore storytelling and acting as they create video reviews of toys and household objects…
Iron Artist
Get ready for an exciting week of imagination and innovation at our Iron Chef Inspired Art Camp! Each day, campers will be presented with a surprise “ingredient kit” full of creative materials like coffee filters, Do-A-Dot paints, a spray bottle and pipe cleaners…
Week 6: July 28th - August 1st
World Music Drumming
Spend five days exploring rhythms and songs from around the world, all while playing world drums and other percussion instruments…
Fractured Fairy Tales
Join us on a journey as we read fairy tales and create original scripts telling another side to the classic fairy tales we all know and love…

Arts Together is thrilled to offer a series of fun and enriching summer camp programs for 6-to-8-year-olds at Exploris Middle School, only a three-minute drive from Arts Together’s flagship building. Campers who participate in our Summer Sparks camps will be able to take advantage of Exploris Middle School’s gorgeous facilities. Families looking for special arts and educational enrichment programs for their children won't want to miss out on these exciting camps, taught by full-time teachers (many from the Wake County Public School System).
Sign up for one half day camp or do a full day with two camps! All campers should pack a snack and a water bottle each day. Those attending all day will have a supervised 1-hour lunch period and will need to bring their own lunch and two snacks.
If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a tour, please email our Summer Camp Director, Lauren Youngman, at lauren@artstogether.org or 919-828-1713 ext. 103.
No camps are held on June 19th to honor the Juneteenth holiday, or the week of June 30th - July 4th.
June 16, 2025 - August 15, 2025 (No camps held on June 19th to honor the Juneteenth holiday or the week of June 30th - July 4th, 2025)
Location: Exploris Middle School
Half Day (AM): 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, arrival time at 8:45AM
Half Day (PM): 12:45 PM – 3:45 PM, arrival time at 12:30PM
Rate: $185 per week
One Time Registration Fee: $50
Sign up for one half day camp or do a full day with two!
All campers should pack a snack and a water bottle every day.
June 16, 2025 - August 15, 2025 (No camps held on June 19th to honor the Juneteenth holiday or the week of June 30th - July 4th, 2025)
Location: Exploris Middle School
Full Day: 9:00 AM – 3:45 PM, arrival time at 8:45AM
Rate: $370 per week
One Time Registration Fee: $50
Space is very limited for Full Day, so sign up early. Campers should bring a packed lunch with a water bottle in addition to 2 daily snacks every day.